nature-responsive cultural journey
Nicosia, Cyprus
13,500 sq.m
The New Museum of Cyprus is meant to break the boundaries that are very imposing on its site and allow the surroundings to invade it. The river floods in, the trees and visitors of the adjacent park infiltrate and the surrounding streets give way to major facilities and access. Again, the river that carves the site and floods in from the west becomes part of the museum extension towards the ground of the museum. Here, visitors can experience the river’s seasonal changes. As the riverbed brings in water in winter, it dries out in summer and gives way to new vegetation.
It becomes in itself a permanent piece yet changing. The permanent exhibition of the museum extends from under the main roof to another exhibition located in the riverbed and submerged in water (when present). The museum as an entity is an archeological site on its own that gives the visitor an experience of discovery, sneak peeks from one exhibition to another while maintaining a relationship with its surrounding whether it’s the river, the municipal garden or the streets.